Welcome the exhibition “Snapshot: Human Rights!”

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In four cities of Ukraine – Odesa, Lviv, Zhytomyr and Kryvyi Rih – opened art exhibitions of works by participants of the Photo Contest "Snapshot: Human Rights!"

The exhibition presents photographs in different styles, united by one common theme – the basic human rights.

Holding the Photo Contest is a part of the program by UPO "Gay Alliance Ukraine" to increase the level of legal culture among the people of our country. It is being implemented within the project "Promotion of basic human rights and freedoms and countering homophobia through increasing public awareness" under the support of the Embassy of the Netherlands in Ukraine and designed to attract the attention to the problem of human rights violations of both public and authorities, as well as to become a platform for a creative expression and talent search.
Welcome to the exhibition in your hometown! 

In Odesa – 24 Bunina Street, Museum of the Art Club EXIT, the exhibition opened from 15th of May (coordinator Nina, Tel.: +380503303595) 
In Lviv – 24а Nezhankivskogo Street, Fomalgaut Cafe, the exhibition opened from 15th of May (coordinator Elena, Tel.: +380503303603)
In Zhytomyr – 41 Bolshaya Berdychevskaya Street, "Anticafe" Cafe, the exhibition opened from 15th of May (coordinator Maksym, Tel.: +380935245285)
In Kryvyi Rih – the Park of Bohdan Khmelnytsky, Kossior Street, then exposition will be moved to the building of Municipal Executive Committee. In this city the exhibition opened on 18th of May (coordinator Borys, Tel.: +380503539653)

In case if you are not able to visit our exhibition, special section of the Photo Contest will be created on our website tolerance.in.ua, where you can vote for an artwork you like the most. 

The winners of competition will be selected as a result of this voting. The first half of the votes is expected to be received from the visitors of exhibitions and the website, the second – from specially created judges, which will include members of human rights organizations, professional photographers and representatives of European embassies.  

Inscription on a vertical: "From 15 to 20 of May 2014 in Museum of the Art Club EXIT (24 Bunina street, Odessa)".

Inscription in horizontal: "Photo exhibition "Snapshot: Human Rights!": Commitment to respect human rights. Rights and freedoms. The right to life. The prohibition of torture. Prohibition of slavery and forced labour. The right to freedom and personal inviolability. The right to fair trial. No punishment without law. The right to respect for private and family life. The right to freedom of thought, conscience and religion. The right to freedom of expression. Freedom of assembly and association. The right to marry. The right to effective judicial protection. The prohibition of discrimination. Derogation in time of emergency. Limitations on political activity of foreign nationals. Prohibition of abuse of rights."

Автор: Gay Alliance Ukraine

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