New direction in the work of GAU – the support for LGBTI people seeking asylum in Europe and USA

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One of the results from the visit of UPO "Gay Alliance Ukraine" staff members to New York City is a willingness to launch a new working direction. In particular: to provide information support in obtaining asylum for potential refugees from LGBT community who found themselves in a dangerous situation and considering moving to the countries of Europe and USA. 

The process of obtaining asylum differs substantially from country to country. Therefore, the objectives of our organization right now is to accumulate knowledge about the procedures, laws and individual experiences of people who  have already carried out their desire regarding the immigration process. 

The activists of GAU had already had an opportunity to discuss the peculiarities of the process of obtaining asylum in the United States with the Immigration Equality organization, which provides free legal assistance to LGBT people and / or HIV-positive people who can not hire an attorney on their own.

Equally important in terms of success in obtaining asylum is a personal experience of the guys from a friendly organization RUSA LGBT, which was covered in previous news. They walked this way and as no one else knows that the devil is in the details. For example, lawyers recommend not to apply for asylum until the visa is expired (but no more than one year from the arrival date to the country of the desired residence), since otherwise one may lose the chance to get a refuge status – your case will not be transferred to the Immigration Court. But there are still exceptions, and in some cases, lawyers choose not to wait: either visa is too long, or there is a high chance to obtain asylum already at the first interview. Whether it is true or not, you will not be able to solve it by yourself – you will need help from a competent lawyer.

Each process has its own peculiarities and pitfalls, and it never hurts to evaluate a difficult path before stepping on it. More details about peculiarities of obtaining asylum in the USA you can find on the site of Immigration Equality and in blog by the activists of RUSA LGBT. You can already now send us your questions if any at our e-mail

Press service of UPO "Gay Alliance Ukraine"

Автор: Gay Alliance Ukraine

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