The exhibition “Snapshot: Human Rights!” – online voting is open!

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As we reported earlier, in four cities of Ukraine – Odesa, Lviv, Zhytomyr and Kryvyi Rih – opened art exhibitions of works by participants of the Photo Contest "Snapshot: Human Rights!"

Unfortunately, not everyone will have the opportunity to visit these exhibitions, but all the submitted photos are available at website Т Moreover: everyone can participate in the voting to determine the winner. 

In order to do so, everyone should take a few easy steps. For the beginning – you should visit the website and register using login and password, or through one of the social networks. For this please click on the logo of the relevant social network on the right of the page. 

After that you can go directly into the photo gallery. There are two of them at the website: "Photoartist" and "Photoreport". Visit both. By clicking on the picture, you will be able to enlarge it, read the description and vote for your favorite one by pressing the star next to the word "Rating".

The first half of the votes is expected to be received from the visitors of exhibitions and the website, the second – from specially created judges, which will include members of human rights organizations, professional photographers and representatives of European embassies.  

We invite you to visit the exhibition in your hometown and vote! 

In Odesa – 24 Bunina Street, Museum of the Art Club EXIT, the exhibition opened from 15th of May (coordinator Nina, Tel.: +380503303595) 
In Lviv – 24а Nezhankivskogo Street, Fomalgaut Cafe, the exhibition opened from 15th of May (coordinator Elena, Tel.: +380503303603)
In Zhytomyr – 41 Bolshaya Berdychevskaya Street, "Anticafe" Cafe, the exhibition opened from 15th of May (coordinator Maksym, Tel.: +380935245285)
In Kryvyi Rih – the Park of Bohdan Khmelnytsky, Kossior Street, then exposition will be moved to the building of Municipal Executive Committee. In this city the exhibition opened on 18th of May (coordinator Borys, Tel.: +380503539653)

Written by Sofa Hadashot

Photo by the exhibition participant Yevgeny Butov

Автор: by Gay Alliance Ukraine 20.05.2014

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