A new format of Kyiv QueerHome

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The inscription on the picture says: "Add friends to QueerHome. It is more fun together!;)"

Staring from August 2014 LGBT-initiative QueerHomeKyiv will gain a new format. From now on we won't be confined to only one venue, but will work at the most interesting city sites. Our parties won't be limited by the apartment's walls and group activities according to interest can take place simultaneously. Healthy Lifestyle Club continues its work and open for new participants. So far the Club meetings are held every two weeks, but in September we plan to arrange them on a weekly basis.

Moreover, we have yoga group and group of dynamic meditation for more than democratic price. In the beginning of August we everybody is welcome at the presentation of the new format, where pleasant surprises are waiting for you. In the end of August we are planning to organize a grand outdoors queer picnic entitled "Goodbye, Summer!" – with music and a lot of tasty food. For those who prefer more serious events we have planned an intriguing seminar about a male sexuality from Svyatoslav Sheremet.

More detailed information about the events you can find in the official group of the QueerHome in VKontakte or by Tel.: +38 096 55 22 690.

Besides, henceforth we are being actively involved in the LGBT sport movement. Starting from September we are going to carry out various sports activities. On our agenda – football, badminton, cycling and many more. We are also ready to support any initiatives in the field of healthy lifestyle.

We see the main objective of our work in creating a space to spend time together – both useful and interesting. 

We are open for any form of a partnership. If you are ready to participate in organizing of our events, or you need support in conducting yours – please write an e-mail at info@upogau.org.

Looking forward to your ideas and offers!

Автор: UPO “Gay Alliance Ukraine”

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