August in QUEER HOME KYIV: clubs, picnics, dynamic yoga and communication

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As many people know now QUEER HOME KYIV gained a new format of work, yet if you haven't heard of it we race to fill the gap. Well, actually, everything's simple. And very interesting. 

For the whole August together with those lucky ones remaining in Kyiv we are sunbathing at the beach, walking to interesting places of our remarkable capital city, organizing sports competitions, as well as visiting Healthy Lifestyle Club, dynamic meditation and enjoying ourselves. 

We would like to remind you that Healthy Lifestyle Club (HLS) is one of the most successful projects of the QUEER HOME KYIV. It's been holding its meetings once every two weeks for the past two months. It's the club for those who is willing to grapple with questions of healthy eating, feel better, lose weight, learn how to control your weight, regain healthy skin tone and strength of the body. Here you may find necessary and useful information about how to make proper diet plan, what to eat and drink and when, as well as what products to buy. 

And also we want to make boast of open admission into a closed group of yoga and dynamic meditation announced by QUEER HOME KYIV. The group will meet every Sunday on the basis of a private yoga studio.

DM (Dynamic Meditation) – is the first and the most well-known method of active meditation in which physical activity plays a key role. It can be done nearly by everyone. And what is especially important this technique is developed for a modern person, because in today's world we are exposed to significant psychological pressure and carry a big load. In order to get rid of it, a catharsis is a must. After the purification, the person calms down and relaxes. 

And a little bit about the other our projects. It's hardly possible to live in the modern world without the knowledge of foreign languages, English in particular. That's why QUEER HOME KYIV successfully launched English Speaking Club "FUN&EASY". The group is open on every Friday based on the office of UPO "Gay Alliance Ukraine". Every participant has an opportunity to practice their English in a fun way and to remove so called mental barrier (fear to speak the language). It is very important that during the meeting all the participants of the group help each other with mastering spoken language, as well as personally invent the next topic and methods of work on it for the following meeting.

And what is the summer without the beach? Every Saturday QUEER HOME KYIV gathers friends for a mini picnics at the beach. Sun, water, friendly chat, new friends – and you can confidently say that the day went usefully both for body and soul!

Full schedule of events you can find on the official vk and facebook pages. And also by phone of the QUEER HOME KYIV: 09655-22-690.

QUEER HOME KYIV – we will be happy to spend time with you in an interesting and useful way!

Автор: Press service of UPO Gay Alliance Ukraine

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