Attention: We invite female activists to participate in feminist and lesbian school

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UPO "Gay Alliance Ukraine" in partnership with the Heinrich B?ll Foundation conducts the Autumn Feminist and Lesbian School for beginner activists of LB movement. The School will be held from 8 to 12 of October in Kyiv oblast – its participants from different regions of Ukraine will meet in cozy wooden houses on the river bank. 

For five days the activists will be learning, having discussions, planning their future mutual work and, of course, relaxing. We gathered a wonderful team of female experts to conduct the sessions, besides, participants of the Scholl themselves will be able to contribute to the program. Because one of our main tasks – it is not only to educate, but also to exchange experience. 

The program of the School will include the following activities:

– an analytical psychologist Julia Donets will present her author's mini-training about the ideas and goals, including its implementing into reality. Development of public projects and personal goals has the same principles that we try to find and use during the training;

– an ethnologist, an expert in cultural anthropology Maria Maierchyk will speak about the main directions of feminism and feminist views on sexuality;

– a psychologist Nina Verbytska will help to understand the intricacies of building communication, because the success of our work in many aspects notably depends on it;

– an activist, a gender researcher, a vice president of the Kharkiv female association "Sphere" Anna Sharygina will tell about the history of development of feminism and LB movements worldwide and in Ukraine. To talk about Ukraine will join other successful female activists, whose names are well known in the national queer community. 

In the evening we will arrange a feminist cinema clubs and tea gatherings in a good company, so looking forward to your applications. 

If you would like to take part in the School – please fill the application form placed HERE >>>

Автор: UPO Gay Alliance Ukraine

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