A discussion about drag queen characters took place at Queer Home Kyiv

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The drag show is an entertainment, which is popular all over the world. The men dressed in drag act in the feminine (with exaggerated femininity, as a rule) gender role. The drag festivals get more fans year by year in Ukraine. More and more talented drag artists participate in them.

One of the drag artists, who performs under the stage name Dominika Lovegood, gave a lecture on the main four characters of the drag queens at Queer Home Kyiv. There was a follow-up discussion afterwards. Of course, the most head-turning character among them is a low camp drag queen. The famous Divine is an example of this type of performer. She gained recognition performing on stage and playing in films. The Ukrainian low camp drag queens are Madam Zhu-Zhu, Maydana and Zhanna Simeiz.

The performers, who impersonate celebrities, make the resemblance perfect – appearance, gestures, behaviour. Aunt Iren is an example of this performer. The third character is a pageant queen. The pageant queens usually take part in contests, find a job in television, and participate in different shows, for example, as Monro does.

The fourth character is a post-modernist drag queen, who erases the boundaries of the gender. During the performance it is not clear till the end, who is on stage – a man or a woman. RuPaul, the founder of the American Drag Race TV show, acted as a post-modernist drag queen. In Ukraine Marlen Shkandal and Lolita Amber are the examples of this type of performer. Dominika Lovegood has chosen a third type for herself.

Dominika told a little bit about her stage persona development. By the way, one of the most important essentials is a stage name. The famous celebrity and drag queen Monro has helped Dominika to become Dominika Lovegood – a mysterious post-modernist drag queen. Dominika is a beginning artist.

She still looks for her place on stage. But last year she made herself known at the Kharkiv drag queen festival Dyvo Zhorzhynove (Georgina Wonder).

Автор: Gay Alliance Ukraine

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