The “best people” of the Verkhovna Rada and their most vital demands

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On the 4th of December, 2013 seventy-seven deputies of Ukraine submitted a common letter of appeal to the Prime Minister Mykola Azarov and demanded a change to the Association Agreement with the EU "regarding the protection of Ukrainian traditional family". Among the signatories – Vadym Kolesnichenko, Sergiy Kivalov, Boris Deich, Elbrus Tedeyev, Volodymyr Saldo, Jan Tabachnyk, Ivan Myrny, Yaroslav Suhyj, Nestor Shufrych, Oleg Tsarev, Mykhaylo Chechetov and others. This Kolesnichenko himself wrote in his blog on the website "Ukrainian paravda".

As it was stated in the letter, "there are some clauses in the Agreement that may lead to the destruction of the family institution and traditional values in Ukraine. In the current version of the Association Agreement… country undertakes to implement promptly anti-discrimination (towards people with non-traditional sexual orientation) and gender legislation. This, in particular, is demonstrated by an entire chapter 21 in section 5… and its annex NXXXIX. This annex indicates several directives (mandatory legal normative obligations). According to these directives Ukraine is obliged to adopt gender and "anti-discrimination" (author's quotation marks – remark by GAU) legislation within 4 years. However it will happen much quicker, since on September 23, 2013 the European Union decided that 90% of the Agreement will be put into operation even more quickly (original author's stylistic preserved – remark by GAU).

It is about Council Directive 2000/78/EC of 27 November 2000, whereby homosexuality equaled the norm and got legal leverage to be promoted in all European countries. The Directive clearly defines the term "discrimination based on sexual orientation". But the worst is that this directive violates the Constitution of Ukraine regarding to guaranteed presumption of innocence " – resents Kolesnichenko. 

Afterwards a prominent Regions deputy refers to conducted with his own participation roundtable on the issue "Ukraine's European choice: through same-sex relationships", that took place in May. "Over 100 participants of the roundtable – MPs, community leaders, priests and representatives of the diplomatic corps, the guests from the Czech Republic, Poland, Russian Federation and journalists adopted a resolution of the Roundtable, in which they clearly disapproved attempts to implement regulations on special security mode for sexual minorities into Ukrainian legislation, – he reports. – Public organizations of Ukraine collected over 200 thousand of signatures of citizens who strongly opposed the legalization of same-sex relationships. This is hardly surprising. After all, According to sociological surveys, about 95% of Ukrainian citizens are against such attempts".

Kolesnichenko and his comrades believe that, "that if the country goes this way, than the last stable social institution – the family – will be destroyed; and this includes educational system, forming in children the ethical principles of the society – about good and evil " (original author's orthography preserved – remark by GAU).

Let us remind that previously Vadym Kolesnichenko, Sergiy Kivalov and the number of deputies from the Party of Regions registered the bill "On the need to amend the EU-Ukraine Association Agreement to protect the institute of the family and traditional values in Ukraine". And this despite the fact, that the text of the Agreement was initialed in March 2012. In the legal practice it means that it was adopted by both sides and is not subject to correction or amendment.

Beyond doubt, in the midst of EuroMaidan this initiative of 77 MPs is exactly what Ukraine needs first and foremost. To confirm our assumption it is worth reading the comments left at blog of Vadym Kolesnichenko by his readers (there is an opportunity to comment his statements yourself). And in connection with the fact that the term "Family" in recent years in Ukraine is often connected to "the family of Viktor Yanukovych", who currently dominates in the local oligarchs, the calls of deputies-Regionals sound somewhat especially ambiguous.

Kolesnichenko and his colleagues from the faction – "the best" representatives of the Ukrainian politicum, – once again try to play a homophobic card, despite that this is a hackneyed subject worn-out in the process of preparation to unfulfilled signing of the Agreement. Judging by what is happening today in the center of Kyiv and other Ukrainian cities, homophobic propaganda had a little effect on the country residents.

Автор: Gay Alliance Ukraine

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