On how we’ve been stiffed by Europe

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After the wave of information swept in the press, saying that Europe agreed to sign a visa-free regime with Ukraine without the adoption of its obligations on non-discrimination legislation for LGBT people, a large number of statements and assumptions appeared. Some people propose to boycott the European Commission, some of them spread mysterious petitions, some believe that it is necessary to take offense and ignore the European Union; some intend to scribble slander and some people just get hysterical. It reminds me of one aggrieved on the UE, U.S., society and in general on the whole wide world Russian "LGBT activist" with the initials of NA.

It's like, deliver us comprehensive non-discrimination right here and right now, in the best possible traditions and right on the spot.

But let us rather think if there is any real possibility of it? Whether our parliamentarians will be able to adopt such a law? I have great doubts on this subject. First of all, in today's Parliament the pro-European majority at least for one third consists of a very right-wing comrades, who, even losing the remains of their electorate, will never let their opponents (e.g. the notorious Right Sector) to accuse them of pandering "the sodomites". Secondly, bearing in mind how the Kremlin spin doctors played the homophobic card, it is quite easy to guess that the scope of their gratitude would be unlimited should the Ukrainian Government start discussing the LGBT rights at this point. I'm sure it would be immediately used to heat up the anti-Ukrainian and anti-European sentiments in the east and the south of our country. 

Let us also not to forget about the existence of the above mentioned Right Sector as they openly announced their non-acceptance of the European integration course. Exaggeration of topics related to the gay protection from discrimination would allow these radically minded comrades an opportunity to have a great influence on the opinion of our highly homophobic electorate – and only god knows what deal we would get afterwards in our new Parliament. 

The main problem at the current point is a homophobia among the general population. And our politicians are well-aware of it. This is why before the elections, even with the best intentions regarding human rights and LGBT rights in particular, they realize that it is dangerous to express their support to us openly. It is possible to blow the elections with just a whistle and to send the country into the embrace of Mother Russia, or to get the Government with a very cautious attitude towards Europe and its values. Do you really want to destabilize the situation? It is easy: make the adequate candidates for president declare their support for the gay community. If we force these candidates to speak up in this direction, we would simply put them before the fact – to immediately adopt the anti-discrimination legislation mentioning LGBT or Goodbye!, – which may put our country and its European future at great danger. Is it that difficult to understand that in this state – at this point where it currently is – nobody will elect the president supporting LGBT community? And still the same nobody will give the chance to drag the anti-discrimination law "quietly": since our country has too many " well-wishers". 

One way or another, at that rate LGBT allies are left with only European side and pro-European minded Ukrainian politicians who will provide gay community with opportunity to influence the situation in the future, after taking more confident position. The more obligations Ukraine has before EU the more opportunities will be given to LGBT activists for advocacy. 

The first phase of accession can be carried out without any reference to SOGI (sexual orientation and gender identity) in anti-discrimination law. It may look like tactical defeat of the Ukrainian society, but it definitely has its strategic prospects: Ukraine follows the road to Europe. To insist on including SOGI into anti-discrimination law right away means to delay the process with unnecessary discussions. And blaming the European side for betraying our interests is a complete insanity. It is very important to understand that LGBT is not a separate topic, but a part of the overall context. And we will easily adjust our legal framework once we are in the European realities.

The demands of some activists "to make us feel good right here and right now" demonstrates only their immaturity and looks like planned provocation that plays right into the hand's of our North-Eastern neighbors.

Truly Yours, pro-European 
Larson Sobieski

Photo by equal-jus.eu, corbisimages.com, reuters.com

Автор: Gay Alliance Ukraine

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