Gay activist denied membership in the party because of his “active position”

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Executive Director of AUCO "Fulcrum", open gay and LGBT activist, Globa Bogdan was denied to join a political party Democratic Alliance because of his "active position and work".

"Considering your active position and work we decided that we have ideological differences and suggest you to look for a party that better corresponds with your points of view", – said the Deputy Chairman of Democratic Alliance Victor Andrusiv in his explanatory letter  to activist recently released by the organization.

The letter emphasized that Democratic Alliance is a Christian Democratic Party, which ideology is "not just for a show", but has its deep ideological roots.

"For us the most important value is a family. And here lies the crucial disagreement with the vision of the LGBT community. For us a family consists of husband, wife and children. We believe that the most important function of a family is to provide procreation of the generations and society itself. Therefore it is very important for us to preserve exactly such understanding of the family and its function in the society. We are against any attempts to expand the meaning of the family, the sacrament of marriage and so forth, on the gay couples. It by no means implies that we are against cohabitation or union of gay couples. It is important for us that this would have another name and form, since it is still not a family in our understanding", – stated in the letter.

At the same time Andrusiv notes that according to his party's opinion, gay people along with the other people should have all required conditions for a decent life, free from indignity and neglect, and insists that he and his party members are not homophobic. 

The incident caused a stormy public reaction. In particular, Victor Andrusiv has already managed to accuse Bogdan Globa of biased nature of his complaints, while the Head of Democratic Alliance Vasyl Hatsko made a public apology to the activist.

"In any case, I would like to apologize to Bogdan. I believe that this story could have been unpleasant and offensive. I would not wish to be involved in such a situation and therefore I understand how important for other people, regardless of their views, to have the opportunity to feel respect for their self-esteem and their dignity", – wrote Hatsko on his facebook page promising to investigate the situation.

We continue to follow these developments closely.


Written by Kolya Camouflage


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