The research of the situation with LGBT rights will be held in Donbas and Crimea

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Center for Civil Liberties and Social Action Centre human rights advocacy groups and Memorial Anti-Discrimination Centre launch the research of observance of LGBT rights in Crimea and in the areas of Donetsk and Luhansk regions beyond control of Ukrainian government.

It is necessary for having the fullest picture of LGBT rights in these regions and for finding possible ways of its improvement. Interviews with LGBT living in the occupied areas or those who left after the events of spring-summer 2014 would be part of the research. People will be interviewed face-to-face, via skype or e-mail. All questions regarding the research and participation in it can be asked via

“We realize that the topic is very delicate and guarantee anonymity to the participants of the research. Only quotations from the interview will be used in the report, without any personal data. We are interested in your perception of the situation with LGBT rights only, having no preference according to the personal/political views of the respondents,” tell the organizers of the research.

Автор: Mila Demur

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