The Ministry of Health proceeded with improvement of healthcare for transgender people

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The Ministry of Health of Ukraine published Gender Dysphoria healthcare protocol draft that complied with modern global standards of care for the health of transgender people and was completely consistent with progressive international legal rules as well as with Ukrainian legislation, as NGO T-ema informed. The document is prepared by interdisciplinary team of different medical specialists and public sector experts in the matter of transgender.

This offered standard of medical assistance for people with gender dysphoria excludes the majority of discriminatory provisions of previous similar documents and makes access to the care easier for transgender people. Moreover, according to the new procedure even transgender teenagers over 14 years old can get medical assistance.

“We offer new approach to the treatment that evolved from unified sequential procedures to several ways of assistance that acknowledge a great variety of clinical and presentational needs in accordance with a patient’s individual peculiarities. The recognition of the patients’ needs vector is the core of new way of healthcare specialists work that will lead to the flexible treatment variants,” as the clinical practice guideline that is basic for the new protocol says.

The document considered the recommendations of the Council of Europe, PACE, UN and also measures designed in the National Human Rights Strategy Implementation Action Plan.

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Gender Dysphoria healthcare protocol draft was published for public debates. Suggestions and comments to the new procedure improvement are welcomed till March 22.

Moreover, the draft of the Ministry of Health Order On Approval and Implementation of Medical and Process Documentation on Standardization of Gender Dysphoria Healthcare is also published on the institution’s website.

New Medial and Biological and Social and Psychological Indications of Change (Correction) of Sexual Identity as well as Procedure of Change (Correction) of Sexual Identity reversing The Ministry of Health Order No.60 will be published soon.

Read also: Sterilization and sending to psychiatric residential treatment facilities – MOH violates transgender people rights (ru)

Let’s recall that Order No.60 is based on obsolete approach putting in some unreasonable claims for transgender people, violating human rights. They include spending from 30 to 45 days in psychiatric residential treatment facility, compulsion to surgeries including sterilization, demand not to be married and not to have children.

Автор: Kolya Camouflage

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