Kyiv taken by military actions

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Dozens killed and thousands wounded. City center is in fire. State of emergency was de facto introduced in Kyiv: metro stopped working, traffic towards Kyiv was restricted. Bloody confrontation between protestors and security forces continues. All-Ukrainian mobilization was announced.

Yesterday situation in Kyiv became aggravated again. About eight o'clock security forces began to storm Maidan using teargas against protesters, as well as firearms, stun grenades, water cannons and armored vehicles. Protestors hold the defense throwing stones and "Molotov cocktails" towards at the security forces.

According to official information, at least 11 protesters were killed, although apparently the number of total victims is much higher. Severely injured people were admitted to the city hospitals during the whole night. MP of "Batkivshchyna" party Oleksandr Turchynov was wounded by a grenade splinter while speaking in front of demonstrators.

The city center is still in smoke. House of Trade Unions located on the Independence Square and being a headquarters of the opposition was on fire. Nearly thirty people were evacuated from the burning building. As a result of the fire floors collapsed.

Police managed to push the protestors back out from one of the "halves" of the Independence Square. Now both sides of the conflict restrain from any active actions, throwing grenades and "Molotov cocktails" to one another.

Military actions in the Kyiv city center caused  transport collapse. Tuesday evening Kyiv city authorities closed metro, starting from 0:00 of Wednesday traffic towards the city has been restricted.

There are reports on enhanced action of the opposition in the regions, especially in the western part of the country. Among them reports about attacks on the regional authorities, the Interior Ministry and Security Service of Ukraine and other institutions that took place in Lviv, Ternopil, Ivano-Frankivsk and other cities.

Leaders of the opposition Arseniy Yatseniuk and Vitali Klitschko tried to conduct negotiations with Yanukovych, which led nowhere: according to Mr. Yatseniuk president and authority representatives "basically offered us to surrender and leave the territory of Maidan".

All-Ukrainian mobilization was announced. Resistance continues.



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