Opinion: “Novorossiya must prohibit homosexuality”

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On the web-site of the information agency with an unusual for Russian ears name REХ pointed out that all the suffering of the Ukrainian (and Russian!) people – on oligarchs' conscience. And distressed for the fate of so-called "Novorossiya", which "depends solely on the strength of the militias and availability of weapons in sufficient quantity for them".

"If we fail to repel the attack on Donetsk and Luhansk, if we loose control of the border, – everything will be lost, – gets upset the author of the publication. – However, if the attack stalls, then the outcome of further struggle will depend upon the ideological influence of LPR-DPR example on the minds of all Ukrainians. So why not now, in these critical days, when the free territory of Novorossiya shrank to bandbox, to carry out reforms so desired by Ukrainians? Why not to turn Novorossiya into an ideal worth fighting for?"

One of the ideals, dreamy Ukrainians would supposedly wish fighting for, according to the author, will be "the prohibition of homosexuality": "Novorossiya can afford to explicitly prohibit homosexuality. We all hope that Novorossiya will become our barrier from the corrupting influence of the West. And I believe that many people in the West would like to see Novorossiya as a symbol of the moral rebirth of Europe. Right wing ideology for a long time has been luring an old western world, which is on the verge of extinction and colonization by outlanders. Right wing European activists managed to see Russia as something it is, sadly, not – a barrier to moral decay, consumerism and liberalism. It is support of those from the right wing that we owe the fact that Europe haven't yet formed united anti-Russian front! And if Russia could not afford to become a European Idyll, then Novorossiya would".

Among its "experts" the information agency REХ names representatives from different countries – Russia, Uzbekistan, Ukraine, Germany, Belarus. Among them – Tina Kandelaki, "an expert in the field of show business and society", as well as the notorious political analyst Boris Kagarlitsky.

Another agency observer Michael Osheroff, who is being called "a participant of political life of Israel" (In his articles he holds clearly expressed anti-Israel position, especially right now, at the height of military operation "Unbreakable Rock"), also couldn't stay out of the Ukrainian theme. "And now about what kind of Ukraine Russia needs, – he reports. – Of course, ideally Russia needs allied Ukraine. As a last resort – neutral. But it won't happen. After the fascist putsch on February 21 and the return of Crimea back to Russia the remaining part of Ukraine won't be neutral towards Russia. The appearance of an evil, strong and aggressive neighbor close by Russia, on ancient Russian lands – a great danger for Russia. It means that such a situation should be avoided by weakening and dividing at most what before seemed united Ukraine".

Автор: Sofa Hadashot

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