Applications for VIII National conference of LGBT movement and MSM service in Ukraine participants are open

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VIII National conference of LGBT movement and MSM service in Ukraine under the slogan "Re-thinking: community and movement" will be held in Kyiv from 6 to 8 November.

The purpose of the conference is to make contribution to the development of Ukrainian LGBT movement and MSM service and enhance the cooperation of Ukrainian LGBT community with the friendly subjects of social and political life, by joining forces.

The following activities are scheduled for three working days of the conference:

• plenary sessions with key presentations and reports;
• workshops regarding matters of current interest for LGBT movement and MSM service;
• task meetings for developing practical effect;
• separate program on transgender issues;
• mini-trainings, workshops and other original events;
• presentation of new titles related to the conference theme and of other special events that may be of interest to the participants.

Pre-conference will take place on November 5, hosting the events for young activists who are decisive enough to form and develop LGBT movement but haven't ever take part in the forumson the national scale. Pre-conference participants will be selected from the pool of general conference applications.

Online registration starts on October 5, the deadline is October 12.

For all questions regarding the national conference you may contact organizing committee via or personally:

• technical committee member, UPO Gay Alliance Ukraine representative Yuri Yoursky via Facebook, +380664073587, yuriyoursky@gmail;
• organizing committee regular member, the secretary of the Council of LGBT organizations of Ukraine Sviatoslav Sheremet via Facebook, +380503155457, +380672295015, +380634928805,

Official address of the organizing committeeofthe VIII national conference of LGBT movement and MSM service in Ukraine >>>

Автор: Mila Demur

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