GfK Ukraine: 45 % of Ukrainian young people wouldn’t like to live next door to homosexuals

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The company GfK Ukraine presented the results of the extensive survey “Ukrainian Youth-2015“, some aspects of which related to tolerance and perceptions of discrimination by the young people.

In particular, answering the question, what groups of people the respondents wouldn’t like to live next door to, most respondents called drug users — 90%, alcoholics — 85%, persons with criminal records — 64%, and the Romani — 54%. At the same time, 45% wouldn’t like to live next door to the homosexuals, 33% – to people suffering from HIV /AIDS, 19% – to the Muslims, and 12% – to the Russians. Ukrainian youth is more tolerant to the migrants and foreign workers, Jews and internally displaced persons. 10%, 9% and 7% respectively wouldn’t like to live next door to the above mentioned groups.

According to the survey, young Ukrainians are poorly informed about the situation with human rights in their own country. Answering the question whether there are sectors of the population in Ukraine, whose rights are being violated, interviewees called people with disabilities — 26%, elderly people— 23%, people “engaged in same-sex sexual practices”, — 15%. 28% of respondents believe, there are no such categories, while 19% couldn’t answer.

The survey Ukrainian Youth-2015 was conducted by the company GfK Ukraine on request of the Ministry of Youth and Sports with support from the United Nations in Ukraine. 2852 Ukrainians between the ages 14 and 35, who are permanently resident in the country (excluding temporarily occupied territories and territories beyond the control) participated in the survey.

Автор: Kolya Camouflage

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