Week of women solidarity: talking about feminitives, war and cliché greeting cards

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Week of Women Solidarity will take place in Kharkiv from March 1 to 11 being set of events dedicated to the problems of gender inequality in Ukraine and development of women’s movement for their rights and freedoms.

The organizers believed that the holiday of March 8 changed considerable in course of its existence from International day of the solidarity of women into day of “not very sincere greetings from colleagues, cliché greeting cards sent to remote women relatives and large scale marketing attacks of the lingerie and perfume shops.”

For 11 days different Kharkiv venues will host events interesting to the broad audience – equally for those who hear about women movement for the first time, those interested in it recently and to the active movement members. There will be a range of lectures and discussions about the holiday of March 8, using feminitives, women and war, women’s place in the city and newest femininity in times of gender disintegration.

Queer Home hosts some of the events: workshops on activist posters will take place there on March 1, 2 and 7 and gender library presentation – on March 11. On March 8 the activists will go on Women Solidarity March.

The project is organized by NGO Sphera and realized by the Kharkiv women supported by the Heinrich Böll Foundation’s Office in Ukraine and other partner organizations.

Автор: Mila Demur

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