Russia freaks out: “Same-sex marriages will be legalized in Ukraine”

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It seems, there is no need to talk once again how the Russian mass media manage the information – we do know how they can misrepresent the facts or even make them up out of the blue. Notably, our mass media don’t think it is necessary to double-check the information.

For a case in point, the Russian mass media have only just found (one of the trailblazers was, inter alia, LifeNews notorious for its fakes about Ukraine – editor’s note) the action plan of the National strategy on human rights for the period until 2020, which was published by the Cabinet of Ministers back in December 2015. They panicked because “same-sex marriages are going to be legalized in Ukraine.

Read also: Training in same-sex sexual practice, removal of children, gay-bomb – “the horrors of homosexuality” in Russian mass media (ru)

The leading Ukrainian mass media, followed by the Russian media, took up the “news” about the plans of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine considering it to be new. The journalists thought that the current date, which was on each page of the Cabinet of Ministers website, meant the release date of the order. But it is not. The main specialist of the Secretariat of the Cabinet of Ministers Sergii Kozub confirmed it to us. “It is just a current date, which is indicated on each page of the website, and it changes daily. If you visit the site tomorrow, you will see March 12, 2016 there”, explained Kozub. 

However, if the Ukrainian mass media used a correct wording in the text of the news – “partnerships”, then many media took their cue from the Russian “colleagues” and used another formulation in the headlines. That’s understandable: the topic of marriage attracts more readers. But the accuracy of the headlines is equally important, in particular, when people try to overblow the scandal out of thin air. 

Read also: National strategy: LGBT are promised partnerships, transgender — the right to adopt

We recall that the document approved by the government on November 23, 2015 provides for, inter alia, drafting of a bill on the legalization of the same-sex partnerships. It is planned only to submit the document to the Cabinet of Ministers in the second quarter 2017. The government didn’t set itself the task to adopt it. The parliament also hasn’t brought up this topic yet.

We would like to emphasize, it is about the partnerships, not the marriages, because there is a big difference between them. Partnerships are just a way to simplify bureaucratic procedures, both for same-sex couples and opposite-sex couples, as well as for same-sex heterosexual couples (there are such couples too, including among older persons).

Besides, the action plan provides a process enabling transgender people to adopt children and involves a change in the Criminal Code, for example, to include homophobic motive of a crime in the Criminal Code.

Автор: Kolya Camouflage

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