Rabynovych accused Nemyria of fraudulent statement on Lviv, but he is advised to come to work more often

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The MP from the Opposition Bloc and the Secretary of the Human rights committee Vadym Rabynovych accused the Head of the committee Hryhorii Nemyria of fraudulent statement on the events in Lviv. 

We recall that the committee has previously published a statement condemning the disruption of the Equality Festival on March 19 and called for an immediate investigation into the incident. “European integration of Ukraine goes hand in hand with tolerant and inclusive society, with respect for people regardless of colour, origin, disability, language, sexual orientation, gender identity and other traits”, underlined the MPs.

Read also: MPs demand to investigate the events in Lviv without delay

“I wish to state – there has been no meeting of the committee, whose secretary I am“, wrote indignantly Rabynovych on his Facebook page. – “It’s a lie and falsification – the message is posted by one of the assistants of the MP Nemyria, who uses it as his own …” However, the “opposition member” didn’t specify, what or whom the assistant used, and who this assistant was.

Nemyria has four assistants on the payroll. Five more work on a voluntary basis. “I will block the committee’s work until the fraudulent statement is removed from the site. I think, some other committee members agree with me. It is time to forget Komsomol habits”, summarized the MP. A while later he again provided a link from his Facebook page to the statement of the committee writing “It’s a lie” .

Read also: The Equality Festival: about the terrible word “quest” and “orcs” in ski masks

GAU asked the politician personally, what he was upset about in the last statement made by the committee. Rabynovych certainly wasn’t happy about our call. Answering the question, he started to shout at once. “I haven’t opposed the committee. I disapprove falsifying documents! There hasn’t been any meeting of the committee. It is written there that it is a decision of the committee. That’s all I have said. Other members of the committee will tell you the same thing. The question is not whether this statement right or wrong. The question is that it isn’t allowed to falsify the documents, even the right ones!”, he told us in a loud voice.

Read also: Lviv police didn’t open the criminal investigation into the actions of the radicals, who derailed the Equality Festival

The office of Nemyria assured us that the published statement is real, and it reflects the position of the committee. They don’t want to comment the words of Rabynovych. “I can tell you, this is the statement of the committee, and this statement is published on the official site of the committee. You can use it citing the official site of the committee. I will not comment on the statement of Mr Rabynovych”, told us Nataliia Lysova, the spokeswoman of Hryhorii Nemyria.

Read also: “It’s horrible”: the response of functionaries to the events in Lviv  

Unofficially, the committee told us to see, how often the Secretary of the Committee Rabynovych attends the meetings of the committee. Talking about sessions of the parliament, the MP failed to attend more than one third of sessions without good reason (56 sessions out of 158 – data on registration in writing, Verkhovna Rada of the 8th convocation). Regarding the meetings of the committee, Rabynovych attended them very rarely last year. As for the year 2016, there is only information about the meeting of February 16 on the website of the committee – the deputy was present on that day.

It is not the first time the truancy issue has been raised in Rada. The MPs often complain that the members of the Opposition Bloc fail to attend the meetings of the committees and sessions of the parliament. Of course, party affiliation isn’t an indication: we can also see that the leader of the “Batkivshchyna” Yuliia Tymoshenko has attended rather rarely the meetings of Human rights committee in recent months. Nevertheless, the complaints against the Opposition Bloc in that regards are most frequent. The political position of the party on the LGBT is frankly homophobic. For example, shortly after the adoption of the amendment to the Labour Code about non-discrimination on the grounds of sexual orientation and gender identity, the representatives of the Opposition Bloc introduced to Rada a bill to withdraw these amendments.    

Read also: The Equality Festival in Lviv: the events in brief

We recall that on March 19 the Equality Festival in Lviv was derailed because of the bomb threat made by telephone to the hotel where the event took place. Moreover, the aggressively disposed radicals surrounded the hotel and threw stones and firecrackers at the police cars during the evacuation of the festival participants. Later they organized a “safari” looking for the guests of the festival all over the city. A number of politicians said what happened in Lviv was unacceptable. But, for example, the Mayor of Lviv is sure that the court made the right decision to ban the festival, and its organizers are provocateurs in the same way as their attackers.  

Автор: Alexandra Zakharova, Kolya Camouflage

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