The National Police creates Human Rights Protection Office and LGBT protection is on the agenda

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Currently enrolment of staff at the Human Rights Protection Office is held, from managers to performers.

As the National Police told Gay Alliance Ukraine, studying and analyzing issues of concern in the police actions regarding observance of human rights, LGBT in particular, and introducing suggestions for the regulatory framework upgrade in this field; organization and hosting educational events and research and instructional support of the police activity in observance of human rights and LGBT in particular; control of observance of human rights in the activity of the police subdivisions and participation in independent internal investigations of human rights violation etc. would be the main functions of the new department.

Read also: New Lviv police recruited an aggressive homophobe who is ready to beat gays senseless

Such state, national and international organizations as UNO, Council of Europe, OSCE, community leaders, LGBT human rights groups interested in assistance to human rights observance in Ukraine will be involved in the activity of Human Rights Protection Office. Let’s recall that number of crimes on the grounds of hatred towards LGBT is growing in our country lately, but they are not suitably qualified because homophobia motive is still not included to the Criminal Code as an aggravating circumstance.

Read also: LGBT activists were beaten up in Odesa; the homophobes said that it was a “good deed”

Our question whether Human Rights Protection Office would work on preparation and introduction of suggestion to include motive of homophobia to the Criminal Code of Ukraine as an aggravating circumstance got an affirmative response.

All who wish to join the process are welcomed to apply to the police for cooperation with Human Rights Protection Office.

The department openings and candidates specifications are available at the official website of the National Police.

Автор: Kolya Camouflage

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