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Manifest of Gay Alliance Ukraine about Ukrainian mass-media misinterpreting information
On April 8 the start of preparation to the festival in Kyiv was announced on official Facebook page of the Equality Festival. The organizers of the event stated that the Equality Festival in Kyiv will be held in support of Lviv.…
Queer Home volunteers called Kyiv people for tolerance
Queer Home Kyiv activists and volunteers organized antidiscrimination campaign. They were handing out leaflets with a gay couple picture and “They have right to grow old together” slogan, inviting passers-by to support…
Billboards supporting LGBT appeared in Kyiv
GAU put billboards with social ads supporting LGBT community on advertising spaces in Kyiv as reminder of LGBT also having right for family relations. Billboards with a young couple tell that “they have right for life together”…
Queer Home coordinators discussed options for community centers development this year
Business meeting of Gay Alliance Ukraine staff and Queer Home regional coordinators took place in Zakarpattia region on Februry 24. General strategic goals were discussed as well as the part of Queer Home network would play in achieving…
LGBT hotline – sharing the results
LGBT hotline has started working in October 2014 and currently is the only hotline in Ukraine specializing in sexual orientation and gender identity counseling. On 2015 the counselors had more than 12 thousands calls 31285 minutes…
Queer Home volunteers joined the campaign against violence
“Violence is deliberate use of force by stronger people against less strong ones. If you or your close ones suffer from violent actions you should know that this is illegal behavior and you have right to be protected!” This was…
Volunteers about Queer Home: first of all it is freedom
Different initiatives and ideas were presented to the participants of the training on the volunteer capacity development of the LGBT community. One of the ideas was to make a video interviewing the volunteers of Queer Home. The…
Spokesmen and spokeswomen of the LGBT community will be trained how to deal with the press
Gay Alliance Ukraine is looking for the spokesmen and spokeswomen ready to speak on behalf of the LGBT community and for the LGBT community. The International Day Against Homophobia, KyivPride, OdesaPride and many other events are waiting…
Safety training: risks, dangers and conflicts during the marches
First three day away training for volunteers assisting with the security of the Equality March 2016 took place during the weekend near Kyiv. Let’s recall that the training program in frames of the oncoming pride was launched by UPO…
Representatives of GAU visited Berlinale and took part in the selection of the films for Sunny Bunny…
The representatives of Gay Alliance Ukraine together with the organizers of the Molodist film festival visited Berlinale and took part in the selection of the films for the future programme of Sunny Bunny. The queer section Sunny Bunny of…