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Новости об Украине
The referendum in the Netherlands: low voters turnout and not the best outcome for Ukraine
The preliminary results of the Netherlands referendum on Ukraine-European Union Association are negative and the voters turnout makes it valid. Let’s recall that on April 6 the consultative referendum on Ukraine-European Union…
Say YES! – LGBT tried to convince the Dutch to support Ukraine
On April 6 the referendum in Netherlands took place with the citizens giving their point of view on the Ukraine–European Union Association Agreement. LGBT community of our part as well as of the Dutch one made a strong…
Right Sector didn’t forget to add fighting against European integration and “perversions” to its new…
Right Sector right wing radical nationalist organization presented its new political program describing its vision of Ukraine and its future. “Rus-Ukraine is an integral part and the cradle of Slavic nations’ family and European…
“East and West are together”: Donbas, Kharkiv and Lviv – street survey about LGBT
Donbas Public TV conducted a street survey. The citizens of the Eastern Ukraine were asked whether LGBT rights are respected in our country and whether we should counter the discrimination on the grounds of sexual orientation and gender…
Wikimedia Ukraine founder: How can you call a living person homophobe?
Yurii Perohanych, one of the founders and the initiator of Wikimedia Ukraine creation, defended the Mayor of Ivano-Frankivsk Ruslan Martsynkiv believing that calling him “homophobe” in Wikipedia was too offensive. “How can…
A woman from Ivano-Frankivsk demands to ban gay policemen
A woman from Ivano-Frankivsk addressed local authorities with a proposition to ban gay policemen because they allegedly seduced husbands. She set her complaints against homosexual law enforcers in the petition on the Ivano-Frankivsk…
OZON: Lviv radicals differ little from “Crimea samooborona”
The Ukrainian authorities systematically violate their obligations to support and protect the peaceful assembly, states the civic monitoring group OZON. The last statement of the observers is related to the failure of the Equality Festival…
“Homophobe”: the article about Martsynkiv edited in Wikipedia
The article about the Mayor of Ivano-Frankivsk Ruslan Martsynkiv has been edited in the online encyclopaedia Wikipedia. The section “Views” reads now…
The British Ambassador to Ukraine Judith Gough came out as lesbian
The British Ambassador Judith Gough came out as lesbian and told about a tough struggle of the members of the Ukrainian queer community for their rights. This information evoked wide response among network users, and as expected, it was…
Kyva is demanded to be held liable of calls for violence
The international organizations helping The Ministry of Internal Affairs of Ukraine with reforming the National Police were addressed with a request to handle the situation with Illia Kyva. A lawyer Masi Nayyem, initiator of the address,…